Types of Highlights: A Guide to Babylights, Balayage, Ombré

Changing up your hairstyle, whether it’s with a big chop or a fresh color, can make a huge impact — not just on the way you look, but also on the way you feel. But if you’re apprehensive about dyeing your entire head a new color or trying one of the hot yet polarizing haircut trends of the summer (bixie, anyone?), then highlights are a good way to go.

If you’re not well-versed in the world of hair, you may think that there’s only one type of highlights out there, but similar to bangs and bobs, there are many different varieties. From ’90s chunky highlights and money pieces to the ever-popular balayage technique, there are a handful to choose from.

There are also three main highlighting techniques: foil, partial, and full. No matter what type you go with, the objective is the same. Highlights will lighten certain strands on your head to contrast with your base or natural hair color. This helps add dimension to your existing color while brightening it up. That’s one of the reasons boxed hair dye can look so harsh — the result lacks any depth and can feel very flat.

Highlights are often subjected to trends — like “tennis” and “halo highlights” — so keeping track of what’s what can be a job in and of itself. Luckily, you don’t need to sign yourself up for cosmetology school to get an idea. With the help of some of our favorite hairstylists, here’s a lowdown on highlight techniques and types.

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